How to Use as a Founder
There’s a minimal amount of ongoing paperwork that’s necessary - all you need is an ETH wallet and USDC. 10e53 brings all of the startup investing lifecycle on-chain, making it more efficient and transparent to select investors, investor's investors, and the asset you are making available for them to purchase.
Even though 10E53 SPVs lives within web3, the 10E53 investment documentation exists in web2 to guarantee that interest token holders get paid during all future liquidity events. It bridges the gap between web2 and web3.
Our On-chain SPVs are fully customizable. Founders can choose which Investor bidders get to finally open a syndication or deploy capital.
Accounting is as transparent as it can get. On-chain accounting via tokens create robust tracking and easy distribution events.
Expand your investor network with access to the open Venture Machine investor network
Last updated